19 vs. 20-Inch Wheels: Full Comparison & What’s Better

19 vs. 20-Inch Wheels: Full Comparison & What’s Better

The major comparison between 19-inch and 20-inch wheels is their physical and mechanical features. They have minor differences in fuel consumption, smoothness of the ride, grip, and traction. From my experience, 20” wheels are stiffer than 19” wheels. However, 19-inch wheels offer a better ride than 20-inch wheels due to a thicker sidewall. But that’s…

Are BMWs Reliable After 100k Miles? (Checked)
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Are BMWs Reliable After 100k Miles? (Checked)

BMW is well established as a premium car manufacturer that also provides great driving performance. However, are BMWs trustworthy after driving for more than 100,000 miles? It depends on the circumstances. Certain BMW vehicles have been known to travel more than 100.000 miles with minimal issues. However, this is conditional on a number of factors. Are BMWs Reliable After…

3 Cheapest Mercedes to Maintain (+ Costs)
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3 Cheapest Mercedes to Maintain (+ Costs)

When consumers consider buying a reliable, affordable, and fuel-efficient vehicle, they likely think of Toyota or Honda. While these makes provide advantages, most consumers will still spend anywhere from $500-$750 a year for maintenance.  Let’s say that you’ve decided to go with a Mercedes-Benz because it’s reliable, has quality engineering and technology, plus it provides…